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Getting Started

Updated: Dec 8, 2019

Why is getting started so intimidating? Is it truly procrastination or is it something else?

More often than not I find myself in a constant routine of second guessing my decisions. This is a debilitating, frustrating habit. I let this habit slow my progress to the point that I feel like a sunbathing turtle on a log.

Design with Ease

"From a small seed a mighty trunk may grow." -Aeschylus

I can be my greatest enemy or my most loving cheerleader.

Is there a greater feeling than experiencing the switch of a metaphorical light bulb and executing the idea? Than seeing the abstract materialize into concrete? Through out my academic and personal experiences I have found that when I finish a project a sense of relief and pride take over my once self-doubting, anxiety ridden thoughts.

Who told you weren't good enough?

The best cure to falling down is getting back up again.

As long as I can remember I have been praised for the work I have completed. Yet, I harbor a little voice that tells me to over-analyze and seek reassurance every time I want to begin a project. My mind overflows with elaborate, reach for the stars ideas so beginning new projects is a constant cycle that I need to learn to embrace. I cannot let the voice get the best of me.

A turtles life isn't so bad.

Even turtles make it to their destination at one point. The question is how much do I want to accomplish once I get to the finish line?

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